sebastiandaschner news

thursday, june 14, 2018

Hello from Munich airport, on my way to Brussels.

The last days were full of Java Community travels. I attended JUG Bodensee, GeekOut EE, JUG BB (Berlin-Brandenburg), Oracle Code Berlin, and JUG Hamburg. I very much enjoyed all of these events. Ironically, it was not only my first time in Estonia, Tallinn, but also in Hamburg, which is rather unusual for Germans; it just never worked out so far. However, the two cities are very beautiful yet different and definitely worth a visit. I wasn’t aware that Estonia is up in north that much, and due to this high latitude it was still as bright as day after 11 pm.


What’s new


Script kubectl commands

The last newsletter issues have been on the topic of productivity and we want to continue this trend for a bit more.

The kubectl tool allows us to manage Kubernetes resources from the command line. One of the benefits of using a CLI tool is that we can chain and script commands very easily.

The following is an exerpt of a shell script that I use in my Kubernetes workhop to clean-up all namespaces after every workshop day.


function deleteResources() {
  kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace project-$1
  kubectl delete deployments --all
  kubectl delete services --all
  kubectl delete pods --all
  kubectl delete ingresses --all

for i in {01..10}; do
  deleteResources $i

This is just one example and meant to be an inspiration of what we’re able to do, once we have access to CLI tooling. One criterion I judge technology and service providers by is how well their offered command line tooling is, no matter whether we’re looking at development tools, operations tools, or cloud providers.


Global gitignore

A widely used Git feature is to use local .gitignore files which list which names and patterns of files and directories will be ignored within the Git repository.

There is also the possibility to create a system-wide gitignore file which lists patterns that should always be ignored, in all of the user’s Git repositories.

You can point to the file in your Git config via git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global.

The following file will cause .java-version files to always be ignored within your Git setup:

# jenv

Also have a look at the GitHub documentation.


VIM-ify your browser

Once you caught fire in the VIM way of typing you want to have this experience in as many programs as possible. There are a few extensions to Chromium and Chrome, respectively, that enhance the VIM experience in your system.

So far, I’ve tried out Vimium, cVIM, and just lately Surfingkeys. My current setup uses Surfingkeys but I encourage you to try multiple extensions and find your own favourite.

Maybe you’ll come up with other helpful extensions, VIM setups, or tips; please let me know.


Thanks a lot for reading and see you next time!


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